Top 30 Paintings By Paul Gustave Fischer You Absolutely Have To See

A bunch of red tulips

Bredgade, Copenhagen

A day at the beach (1900)

A fire on Kultorvet (1900)

 A rainy day

After the performance outside Det Kongelige Teater (1909)

A View of Kongens Nytorv, Copenhagen

Afternoon read

 Afternoon tea (1914)

An evening at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen

An evening stroll on the Boulevard

At Frederiksberg Rundel (1908)

                                         Autumn day in Fiolstræde in Copenhagen

                    Autumn day near the Mansonic Lodge in Klerkegade in Copenhagen

Copenhagen tram

 From Hojbro Plads

Gammel Strand (1910)

Højbro Square, København (1921)

In the train compartment

 Interior scene with a lady in a white evening dress

Jacobsen Square, Copenhagen

Jagtvej looking towards Vibenhus Runddel

Paul Gustave Fischer - Købmagergade

Kongens Nytorv, Copenhagen

Place de la Concorde in Paris (1891)

 Rainy day in Kongens Nytorv

Scene from Copenhagen (1895)

 Street florist

Street in Naples (1922)

Summer, Højbro Plads

A Copenhagen Street

Paul Gustave Fischer's Biography

Born in Copenhagen, Denmark July 22, 1860, belongs to a middle-class Jewish family emigrated from Poland eighty years before.

He was been an artist for family tradition, as his father had begun his career as a painter, but then, for economic reasons, had folded on the production of paints and colors.
For this reason, Paul Gustave Fischer, began painting as a boydriven by his father, but he attended only two years, the Royal Art 

Academy in Copenhagen, just enough for a formal art education.

In 1882 overlooks the Danish art scene when a newspaper Painting by Paul Gustave Fischer publishes a drawing, igniting the interest in this budding painter, not only the players, but the publisher that brought him into contact with artists and Danish young naturalists, lovers of modern French painting trends.

After a stay in Paris from 1891 to 1895, the palette of Paul Gustave Fischer is enriched with color, touch becomes lighter and transparent and the subjects treated are increasing: in addition to the Danish landscapes are added scenes from Scandinavia, Italy and Germany.
Although the works did not gain the support of the public, on the occasion of the declaration of independence of Norway from Sweden in 1905, the King of Norway, commissioned paintings to him for the historical event. The painter died in Gentofte, Denmark, May 1, 1934 and its paintings have market yet.

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