The 10 Oil On Canvas Paintings of The Most Exciting Night Landscapes

Do you like the night, the mystery, the moon and the peaceful atmosphere of the night?I have collected some of the most significant paintings of landscapes at night. 

Here they are:

 Friedrich Nerly, Piazza San Marco by Moonlight (1847)

Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovsky, View of Constantinople (1876)

Claude Joseph Vernet, Nuit Scène côte méditerranéenne avec les pêcheurs et les bateaux

A Foggy Night in London

Jean Baptiste Paul Lazerges (French, 1845-1902) – An Arab Encampment By Moonlight

John Atkinson Grimshaw -1879

Knud Andreassen Baade

Midnight Sun over the Fjord, Hans Dahl

Paul Gustave Fischer - Street in the evening (Copenhagen)

Tokyo View Snow at Nezu Shrine by Tsuchiya Koitsu

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